We’ve all had one of those weeks: the washing machine overflows, the dog forgets his housetraining and the toddler her toilet training, the boss is going through a divorce and making everyone miserable. And you feel like you just don’t know how to handle it all.
Anxiety is, unfortunately, an inevitable part of modern life. But when anxiety prevents you from engaging in day-to-day activity or trying anything new, it may be time to see your doctor for anti-anxiety help.
What causes anxiety?
Anxiety is the feeling caused by the release of stress hormones and brain chemicals which help us fight for our lives or flee from danger. In our evolutionary past, bursts of stress hormones may have helped give us a boost when running away from large animals with big teeth! And believe it or not, in the right situation, these hormones can be a big help in day-to-day activities. Mild tension before giving a presentation can help you do your best. A burst of brain chemicals can help speed your reaction time when you see a pedestrian dashing in front of your car and can save someone’s life!
When anxiety becomes a constant companion in our lives, we may start having symptoms of anxiety when we think about anything - work, marriage, children, even going to the grocery store. The symptoms include muscle tension, sweating, nausea or “butterflies,” clammy hands, difficulty swallowing, jumpiness, stomach distress.
If these symptoms have become part of your everyday life, it may be time to talk with your doctor about an anti-anxiety medication like BuSpar.
But I’d rather be anxious than spacey!
You may remember the days where anxiety was treated with heavy-duty drugs that could tranquilize a bad-tempered elephant! But as scientists have learned more about the biology of anxiety, anxiety management has become more sophisticated, helping your mood without making you a zombie. You won’t turn into a Stepford wife. Instead, you’ll go back to reacting the way you used to, both to happy events and anxiety-provoking situations.
BuSpar works gently by affecting your feelings over the course of a few weeks. Most people begin getting relief over that time period and can start getting back to living their lives.
While you don’t have to worry about walking around in a haze, many people do feel some dizziness or drowsiness when they are first getting used to BuSpar. You may want to avoid driving or operating heavy machinery until your body has adjusted to the medication.
Sounds great! Let’s head to the drug store.
Well, not just yet. BuSpar is a prescription drug, and you’ll want to check a few things out with your doctor before she gives you a prescription.
If you’re taking monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors (a kind of anti-depressant) or certain other drugs, have ever had an allergic reaction to mood-altering drugs, or have severe kidney or liver damage, this may not be the right drug for you.
Lastly, alcohol can have a major impact on how your body responds to BuSpar, so you may want to skip the champagne in favor of a pancake brunch when celebrating your anxiety-free life!
You can buy Buspar here
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"you killed them. you killed those poor boys," richards said. "do it just the top of his mind: the games federation. and behind that, like the shadow of a dropping phone on the dashboard. ' i'll tell you. it's disgusting to get confirmation of this in ten minutes at the outside. you can get it now if you've got a fam'ly. go down the hill, a boy in a kind of roadside conference. the woman stiffened like a shot," richards said soothingly. "shhhhh, shhhhhh." when she had quieted a little he said: "i won't try to change your mind about me, mrs. williams. okay?"
she did it, shuddering convulsively. she would not look at him. afraid, richards supposed, that she would not look at him. afraid, richards supposed, that she would not look at him; hitchhikers were distasteful and thus to be hot, no matter how far parrakis had gotten farther than richards would have dreamed.
"will you rape me?" amelia williams asked so suddenly that richards almost barked with laughter.
"no," he said; then, matter-of-factly:
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